Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Review - Linkin Park LIVING THINGS

Well this is a funny little situation I'm in. I haven't used this since (actively) doing my review of Linkin Park's 2010 release A Thousand Suns. Here we are 2 years later (which is EXTREMELY fast for an LP album) writing a NEW review of a NEW Linkin Park album entitled LIVING THINGS.

Now I'm extremely sure people don't wanna take MY opinion on this record and LP in general seriously. Why? Well because they think I blindly like and hype everything they do. That couldn't be further from the truth. Now sure I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt more than any other artists, but that's only because of a long deep rooted history of their music and myself. In reality though I judge the albums as I would any other album! I try to examine what makes the album tick. I slowly chip (whats that?) away till I get to what the album is really about. I am not playing favorites here. This I promise!

Coming off the heels of their VERY experimental album A Thousand Suns, Linkin Park have returned yet again with a brand new look at the last 12 years of their career.

When making ATS they wanted no signs of "old school" Linkin Park because they felt that sound was old news, which it kinda was to be honest. So they tore themselves down and built themselves back up to make ATS. The album was somewhat a concept record with a terrible personality disorder. Which made it very enjoyable. No song felt the same. Critically it was a success, but on a populace basis....not so much. Fans all over were echoing how they missed "old" Linkin Park, while others fully embraced their experimental venture, myself being one of them! Sure the album wasn't heavy on a rock/metal standpoint but then again they could do what they wanted! They have ALWAYS been a band to blend and bend genres at their will, and ATS was a perfect example of just that!

Fast forward 2 years and the band is sort of now singing a different tune about their "old" style. In almost every interview Mike Shinda (MC,Producer...and pretty much the brain of LP) has stated they have built their "toolbox" over the years with each and every record. Adding new styles and sounds to it. The heaviness of Hybrid Theory, the anger of Meteora, the stripped down rock of Minutes To Midnight, and the electronic journey of A Thousand Suns. All being added to their "toolbox". On LIVING THINGS they wanted to use ALL of those tools instead of only some. Which is exactly what they did. The lyrics are emotional and powerful. The music goes from heavy psychosis to melodic ballads, to almost straight on folk!

This is a track by track analysis. My process is as I listen to each track I write down moods, feelings and reactions as they happen. Then go back and expand on that. This is what came of that...

Track 1 - Lost In The Echo

Extremely powerful intro to this album. Features every element of LP's career. The intense angry Mike Shinoda raps, the signature Chester scream that sends chills down your spine, yet still maintaining a very melodic feel during the chorus. The music itself is a prime example of the mashup. Powerful distorted guitars, deep heavy electronic bass line, complicated yet understandable drumming. Perfect intro

Track 2 - In My Remains

Very cool sweeping elec intro. The energy of this song is unmistakable. The chorus just fills you with such force. The build up in the bridge is something taken out of ATS. Slow yet anxious build up with a HUGE release like in The Catalyst and Iridescent. "Like an army falling, one by one by one" will no doubt be chanting in your head after hearing this song.

Track 3 - Burn It Down

I have had a long time with this song being the first single. Catchy as hell. Chester sounds terrific, with a nice old style Mike rap. Full of energy and layers. Extremely anthemic and fun.

Track 4 - Lies, Greed, Misery

Again have had alot of time with this track. It was "leaked" at the end of the around the world scavanger hunt put together by LP's promotional team. Dirty deep beats with Mike just being ruthless on his raps. The song is almost Fight Club psychotic. The lyrics to the chorus are angry and revengeful, yet Chester is singing and screaming them like a happy child. Its like laughing while being punched in the face. It's creepy but in a really good way.

Track 5 - I'll Be Gone

Another anthem style song, but in no way does it become tiring. LP really seems to have an obsession with suns lol. Once the song kicks in it barely slows down even in its bridge it stays constant, which is what really makes this song shine.

Track 6 - Castle Of Glass

This one is a real gem of a song. Mike has stated they listened to a lot of folk while recording this record and this song it is extremely apparent. It has the unmistakable acoustic guitar folk chug, and basic yet interesting drum line. Mike is also very prominent on this track as a singer not a rapper. He does a tremendous job and has come a huge way since Hybrid Theory. What makes this song so intense is how amazingly well they are able to blend folk into their styles of music. Its by far their most interesting song to date. Its daring and extremely enjoyable. This is at this point in time my favorite song on the album.

Track 7 - Victimized

This song was very much hyped as the most intense LP song ever. They weren't exactly lying, BUT not exactly telling the truth either. The song is insanely in your face. The drums are fast and heavy. Chester just screams his face off in the chorus. Its like a short taste of what LP can do if they were asked to make something extremely heavy. More of this is exactly what a lot of LP fans want, but the song does a great job and giving you it all in that short time and leaves you satisfied.

Track 8 - Roads Untraveled

A ballad song at its best. Linkin Park have almost perfected the art of making "ohhhhhh" a real lyric. The song is very emotional and very relate-able, something they have always been great at. It is very Minutes to Midnight like, in fact it very well could've fit right along on that album. Mike again makes it very known he has a terrific voice on this track. This song will no doubt be a crowd favorite if they play it live. The "ohhhh" will ring throughout the venue".

Track 9 - Skin To Bone

Ahhh now this song is a standout track. The tribal dance style is off putting and at the same time so fitting. You get this almost uncomfortable feeling like is this really supposed to be here and then shortly after you start to enjoy it. The lyrics are almost nursery rhyme-ish which makes it very fun and clever. Great song.

Track 10 - Until It Breaks

Fort Minor fans REJOICE! This is you'r track! Heavy angry Mike Shinoda raps, with a little touch of Chester. The really HUGE standout in this song is the first time vocal appearance of guitarist Brad Delson. He brings such a different sound with his voice that Mike, nor Chester could've captured. After hearing Brad on this track he really should be doing vocals a bit more in the future. He did an incredible job.

Track 11 - TINFOIL

The title was originally the working title for the next track. It's more of a bridge instrumental to bring you into the ending track. It sets you up perfectly to come.

Track 12 - Powerless

I cannot say enough about this song. The cinematic feel of this song is really something to behold. The layers just build and build and build as it progresses. Chester's intensity is second to NONE on this song! The raw emotion and energy on this track comes crashing through. As of writing this it is being used in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, as it should be. The song has such a movie quality to it that can make any scenes seem incredibly epic and important. I can easily see this song be used in future for other films over the years. An epic ending to the record.

LIVING THINGS is by far the perfect blend of the last 12 years of Linkin Park. It features the best of all of their worlds. Old school fans and new school fans have a home in this record. It's been quoted by Rolling Stone Magazine that this album is Linkin Park's most important material since Hybrid Theory. The subject matter, the elements, and the pure landscape of the record make that statement 100% true.

Linkin Park's LIVING THINGS will be released 06/26/2012 by Warner Bros. Records

You can pre-order the album RIGHT HERE
