Sunday, September 12, 2010

Miss March?

So instead of posting my review of A Thousand Suns I decided to do a quick review of a movie that came out a year ago.


So It's 5am Sunday morning and I just finished watching Miss March starring Trevor Moore and Zach Cregger who you may know from the very funny sketch comedy show "The Whitest Kids U Know".

Now this movie was released in 2009. WKUK was gaining a lot of popularity and the 2 shining stars from the sketch show (Trevor and Zach) decided to create a screenplay to cash in on their new fame and success.

Heres the thing, WKUK in my opinion is extremely funny because like SNL its a sketch comedy which are short comedy segments back to back. Thats what makes WKUK funny because the stories are short and hilarious, although when a sketch in that show runs along it can be quite the opposite of anything humorous. That is one big problem with the show, they just aren't good at making a joke long enough to make a 5 minute skit funny let alone make an hour and a half movie. Which is why "Miss March" wasn't exactly a laugh riot.

The story goes as follows. Eugene (Zach Cregger) and Tucker (Trevor Moore) are good friends who are going to prom (which turns out to be a house party...I didn't understand that but whatever). Now Eugene is a virgin who is having a successful and sexless relationship, while Tucker is a Playboy obsessed, dim witted, sex addict. Eugene's girlfriend offers to have sex at the party and proceeds to go into an upstairs bedroom. Eugene hesitant although excited, asks Tucker for some help on the situation. Tuckers solution? Take a few shots of whiskey to numb yourself up and have at it. Well that doesn't exactly work too well for Eugene because instead of becoming a man, he drunkenly falls down a flight of stairs into a book shelf and is then pounded by tools and whatnot in a Home Alone type fashion.


Eugene is then in a 4 year long coma.....ok I suppose I'll accept that...moving on...

Eugene is awaken by a very funny baseball bat to the face by Tucker. Now this is where the movie takes a Dumb and Dumber turn. Eugene is informed hes been in a coma for 4 years and his girlfriend had moved and was nowhere to be found. Tucker one day is at work and receives the new issue of Playboy and who is the center fold? You guessed it (hopefully), Eugene's girlfriend. Tucker comes up with a brilliant scheme to get them into the Playboy mansion that weekend because there was a huge party, which in turn means Eugene's girlfriend would be there.


They where supposed to leave on Saturday morning but there was a slight change of plans when Tucker stabbed his girlfriend in the face with a fork because she was having an epileptic seizure while giving him oral sex. So they bailed out early. They travel cross country being chased by angry firemen and ending up hitching a ride with 2 lesbians that couldn't keep their hands off each other. They meet up with Tucker's friend and multi platinum selling rap artist Horsedick.MPEG ...yes thats his name, who gets them into the mansion where all hell breaks loose (of course it does).


Now to be honest the way I summarized the movie actually makes it sound better than it really is. Thats not to say the movie sucked. There is a charm to certain goofy comedies. This movie has glimmer of hope to be somewhat charming but just doesn't quite make it. It may have been the excessive shit jokes, or some unwarranted nudity, or the fact that Trevor and Zach where treating this movie like an episode of Whitest Kids U Know. They really had no real character in their roles. Honestly if you've watched one episode of the show you'd notice that they aren't really showing any acting skills in this movie.

All in all I did somewhat enjoy the movie. It might be because I love WKUK and Trevor is my favorite in the show, but nonetheless I doubt I'll ever watch it again out of choice. I did laugh at a few points but not enough to really recommend it to anyone. I say Trevor and Zach stick to doing what they do best on "The Whitest Kids U Know", dressing up like women and pretending they are monster truck drivers.

Miss March was the in between of funny and terrible. So skip it unless your a fan of WKUK.

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